Lighthouse Wind Farm Cases
The Atlas Map acts as an observatory of lighthouse onshore and offshore wind farms across the EU, based on their socio-economic and environmental impact, the business models and participatory processes established, the co-benefits and financial gains at the community level, the employed practices used to increase community acceptance and the main challenges faced.
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Wind Farm information
Country: The country’s name where the wind farm is located.
Type of Wind farm: This field specifies the type of wind farm based on its placement
Type of Ownership: This field indicates the type of ownership model for the wind farm. It should be filled with one of the following categories:
“Social”: indicates that the total shares of the wind farm are owned by the local community.
“Hybrid” (joint ownership): refers to cases where the local communities own a portion of the wind farm shares.
“Corporate”: represents situations where the total shares of the wind farm are owned by external companies or organisations
Maturity Stage: The development phase of the wind farm.
Installation Year: This field indicates the year in which the wind farm finished its installation and/or started its operation.
Power (MW): The size of the wind farm according to its electric power generation (MW)
WENDY rating: The wind farm cases were rated from the WENDY consortium partners on a scale from [1] to [5] based on four broad criteria: (a) society, (b) economy, (c) environment, and (d) procedures and justice.
Qualitative text descriptions were prepared and provided to help interpret the ratings of “average” [1], “good” [3], and “excellent” [5]:
1 – Average: Average or none practices/actions related to the criterion were or are applied in the wind farm case.
3 – Good: Good practices/actions related to the criterion were or are applied in the wind farm case.
5 – Excellent: Excellent practices/actions related to the criterion were or are applied in the wind farm case.