Role and benefits


The WENDY Network of Interest was set up and operates as a liaison structure for stakeholders and experts to share their knowledge and expertise with the WENDY project in key deployment stages, through processes related to validation, networking and knowledge exchange.

The role of the NoI in the context of the project may be summed up as follows:

  1. Populate the WENDY Knowledge Exchange Platform and contribute to its various components, such as:

  • the Repository of knowledge that includes sources and tools in the field of wind energy;

  • the Atlas of Wind Farms that have achieved high level of social acceptance: it provides information and can be updated with new additions;

  • the Virtual Forum that enables the involvement in the cross-regional networking, the knowledge exchanges, and the dialogue among community wind energy stakeholders.

  1. Participate in “Thematic Groups” in several topics about wind farms, such as:

  • Community rewarding schemes

  • Social engagement and participation

  • Synergies with authorities and industry

  • Wind energy technologies and solutions

  • Financing schemes and funding options

  • Business models for community wind energy projects

  • Environmental impacts of wind power

  • Policies and initiatives

The above list is indicative and not exhaustive and will be amended in accordance with the NoI members’ preferences, and the WENDY Cases (Pilot and Replication cases) needs. Upon registration, NoI members will acquire a digital profile within the Knowledge Exchange Platform containing some of their personal details including their: Full Name, Position, Organisation, Country, Wind Energy Stakeholder Group. The content of their profile will be publicly accessible to all KEP visitors. The NoI members can setup their personal profile by providing, if they want, additional information such as their e-mail, gender, profile picture as well as their interests and motivations.

  1. Project Validation activities that will be done through the “Knowledge Hubs” covering key topics related to the planning/design, development/implementation, operation, and maintenance of wind energy farms, focusing mostly on the community-owned ones. The “Knowledge Hubs” will leverage their expertise to (a) validate WENDY actions, and (b) provide mentoring to our pilot and replication cases, fostering their vision for achieving the 2050 decarbonisation goals.

  1. Networking activities by participating for example in matchmaking activities, seeking funding or collaboration.

  1. Mentoring activities that will include participation in a peer-to-peer mentoring programme. Experts with past or current experience in wind energy projects will engage in peer-to-peer learning activities, matched with the WENDY pilot cases under development. Such activities will include sharing information and experiences through various forms (e.g. online meetings, work shadowing, study visits).

  1. WENDY dissemination activities to boost the spreading of the project’s impact as well as to support the replication of WENDY concept and knowledge outcomes (e.g. methodologies, approaches, tools, etc.). To fulfil this role, it is foreseen that the NoI members, during the course of the project, will operate mostly through digital means, and participate in activities on a voluntary ad-hoc basis.


The WENDY project provides several benefits to its NoI members, such as:

  • Networking opportunities and visibility as an expert stakeholder in a large multi-stakeholder wind energy community.

  • Access to knowledge, approaches, methodologies, and practical tools generated by the project.

  • Unique opportunity to align the tools, research, services, and policy recommendations created, conducted, or offered by the WENDY with the needs of their stakeholders to ensure that they make the most out of their value propositions.


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