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wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Title Description Material category Content Type Source Language WENDY dimension Year Link
2 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Energy Policy Review - Greece 2023 The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy policies of its member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences to h Document Report External English Social sciences and humanities 2023
3 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 27/11/2024 04:17 PM Announces the first competitions for offshore wind By announcing the first competitions for offshore wind areas, the Norwegian government takes a big step towards its ambition of allocating areas for 30,000 MW offshore wind by 2040. Document Article (newspaper, magazine, blog post etc.) External English Any dimension 2023
4 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:47 PM Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of In-depth Best Practice Cases Τhe present deliverable has utilised numerous primary and secondary research methods to carry out an in-depth assessment of the 10 best practice cases. Document Deliverable External English Any dimension 2019
5 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:42 PM Developing a Theoretical Framework to Explain the Social Acceptability of Wind Energy This paper aims to deliver a literature review within the structural framework proposed by the paper of variables influencing the acceptability of wind farms. The large amount of research published on the social acceptability of wind farms requires an eff Document Scientific Paper External English Social sciences and humanities 2022
6 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Overcoming Barriers to the Community Acceptance of Wind Energy: Lessons Learnt from a Comparative Analysis of Best Practice Cases across Europe This article builds on the existing research by showcasing how regions and municipalities across Europe have successfully and effectively been able to overcome barriers to community acceptance. In doing so, 10 best practice case studies across six Europea Document Scientific Paper External English Social sciences and humanities 2020
7 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Community Acceptance of Wind Energy Developments: Experience from Wind Energy Scarce Regions in Europe Based on a comprehensive literature review and a survey among stakeholders from specific regions in Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Spain with little prior experience with wind energy, we highlight six categories of factors that shape community Document Scientific Paper External English Environmental sciences 2020
8 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM The social acceptance of wind energy - Where we stand and the path ahead This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s in-house science service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expres Document Policy paper/ policy brief External English Technological engineering 2016
9 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM The biodiversity-wind energy-land use nexus in a global biodiversity hotspot We suggest a novel method of spatial planning that enhances windfarm sustainability: investments are prioritized in the most fragmented zones that lie outside the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. We showcase it in Greece, a biodiversity hotspot wit Document Scientific Paper External English Environmental sciences 2021
10 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/2001 The Renewable Energy Directive, Directive (EU) 2018/2001, (RED II), established a common framework for the promotion of energy from renewable sources in the EU and set a binding target of 32 % for the overall share of energy from renewable sources in the Document Policy paper/ policy brief External English Any dimension 2018
11 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Managing and protecting Natura 2000 sites Rules and guidance for everyone involved in managing Natura 2000 sites. This includes the legal requirements of national governments, and guidance for local landowners and site managers. Document Article (newspaper, magazine, blog post etc.) External English Environmental sciences 2020
12 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM DIRECTIVE 2003/35/EC Providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC Document Policy paper/ policy brief External English Any dimension 2003
13 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM DIRECTIVE 2014/52/EU assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. Environmental Impact Assessment Directive Document Policy paper/ policy brief External English Environmental sciences 2014
14 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:47 PM Wendy Project EU - Video Promotional video of WENDY: Horizon Europe project aiming to increase social acceptance of wind energy in local communities, moving from a NIMBY (Not In MY Back Yard) to a PIMBY (Please, In My Back Yard) principle. Multimedia Video WENDY English Any dimension 2023
15 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Advancing Public Participation and stakeholdeR engagement fOr the improVement of renewable Energy policies - Report on good practices The Interreg Europe project APPROVE considers awareness raising, capacity building and stakeholder participation as ways to enable and promote Renewable Energy Sources (RES), tackling barriers such as: low level of knowledge in the general public, lack Document Report External English Social sciences and humanities 2019
16 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Mainstreaming Community Energy: Is the Renewable Energy Directive a Driver for Renewable Energy Communities in Germany and Italy? This article examines the transposition in Germany and Italy and compares elements of the respective enabling frameworks. Key methods include context and MLG analysis combined with methods of descriptive (legal) studies. Document Scientific Paper External English Social sciences and humanities 2022
17 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM Community Cooperative: A New Legal Form for Enhancing Social Capital for the Development of Renewable Energy Communities in Italy This paper investigates the suitability of the community cooperatives (CC) model for the implementation of renewable energy communities (REC), as prescribed by art. 22 of EU Directive 2018/2001, and temporarily transposed into the Italian law by art. 42-b Document Scientific Paper External English Social sciences and humanities 2021
18 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM CDCA- Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali CDCA aims to stimulate interest and debate at a national and international level on land management policies and on ongoing conflicts for environmental and social justice, informing the citizenship, providing materials for scholars, researchers, journalis Multimedia Website External Italian Any dimension
19 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM Legal Provisions and Market Conditions for Energy Communities in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey: A Comparative Assessment This study, conducted as a part of a Horizon 2020-funded eCREW project, assessed the adaptability and implementability of these two directives within national legislation, along with the associated legal and administrative frameworks, utilizing evidence f Document Scientific Paper External English Any dimension 2021
20 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:47 PM Wind in their Sails – A Best Practice from Regione Abruzzo Regione Abruzzo’s repowering case study was recognised as a best practice, in terms of participatory processes and active involvement of citizens. Document Article (newspaper, magazine, blog post etc.) External English Any dimension 2020
21 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM Proposal for European lighthouse initiative FLOATING WIND ENERGY This report presents a proposal for a European lighthouse initiative on floating wind energy. Document Report External English Any dimension 2022
22 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM Summary of prospect European lighthouse initiatives This report gives a summary of two prospect European lighthouse initiatives that have been identified as part of the activity in the EU H2020 SETWind project. Document Policy paper/ policy brief External English Any dimension 2020
23 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:28 PM AGIOS GEORGIOS” WIND FARM: A BENCHMARK PROJECT FOR GREECE In the middle of the Aegean Sea, between the Saronic Gulf and the Western Cyclades, the uninhabited islet of 4,300 acres of Agios Georgios (or Saint George) located 12 miles from Sounio and 20 from Hydra, was meant to be the point where a benchmark projec Document Article (newspaper, magazine, blog post etc.) External English Any dimension 2024
24 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM Status quo of social acceptance strategies and practices in the wind industry this report summarises the findings from an expert survey across Europe in order to map the status quo of these issues in wind farm development. Document Deliverable External English Any dimension 2015
25 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM Local impact global leadership Wind supply chain map Multimedia Repository / Database External English Any dimension
26 wendyadmin 26/01/2024 01:43 PM wendyadmin 21/02/2024 01:46 PM Hellenic Wind Energy Association The Hellenic Wind Energy Association HWEA/ELETAEN was founded in 1990. It has been a member of the European Wind Energy Association WindEurope since its founding and operates as its National Representative in Greece. Multimedia Website External Greek Any dimension
Material category Content Type Source Language WENDY dimension Year



These webinars cover various aspects of the social acceptance of wind energy, developed within the Wendy project. Designed for everyone, these videos provide valuable knowledge and updates in the field, offering easy access and exploration.


Single MultiVariable KPI Tool

What is this webinar about?
This KPI intends to become a fast tool, to be immediately appliable to any location in Europe, requiring very few inputs regarding the technical specifications of the Wind Farm. The required user inputs are:
The wind farm layout, which incudes the coordinates of each turbine.
A few technical specifications of those turbines: the power curve, hub height, rotor diameter and noise produced at the source.
The ownership model of the wind farm, for which we offer three options: corporate, social and hybrid.
We also have a set of possible social interventions, that can be included as a Boolean input (i.e. we set a True if it has been implemented, False if not). Implementing social interventions can improve the social acceptance, but they come with a cost.

Given this set of inputs, we have developed some algorithms that are capable of accessing different open sources to retrieve some data specific for the location of the WF we are evaluating. For the social dimension we obtain the distance to the closest town and touristic places, the demographic structure of the community, the percentage of land used for agricultural purposes in the surroundings and the number of species in the area. For the environmental dimension we have produced a set of maps for the distribution and connectivity of species. And for the techno-economic side, we obtain data about the wind resource in the area (the parameters of the Weibul distribution and the air density) and capital and operation expenditures.

The different information is evaluating and a score for each one of these three dimensions is obtained, and then averaged in a single KPI.

The evaluation provided by this tool can (and should) be complemented with more in-depth impact assessments, although we are confident that it can produce a good first approximation to a very delicate problem.

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